Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019

How I Get Organized?

What I’ve noticed in my 27 years of my life is that you want to be a reliable person handling things; and yes, you’ll want to be that person. And I know I’m not the most organized person, not at all, but because I am a new mother of a 1-year-old it’s extremely important for me to stay organized and make sure things get in the day-to day stuff. So basically I'm somebody that likes to stay relatively organized in the sense that i find it helps a lot with my anxiety, but also just because I find it kind of fun, I guess, in a weird way lol. So these are some little things I’ve found have helped me to keep my life a little bit more organized and stay on track with things that I need to get done. I just want to share with you how I am currently planning out my days and what is really working for me right now.

So to start with, you’re gonna need to keep up with a planner (not Kardashians, duh!) and that could be a very basic thing. The notebook/planner that I use is just a lined pages since I am very basic when it comes to my planning. I like to carry a notebook/planner with me everywhere I go, and if for some reason I don’t have that planner nearby, at least I have my phone or the not-used cardboards or small piece of papers I find around my house, and whenever I get an idea of something that I want to know in the future, to do the following day, or to remember that needs to be taken care of immediately, I write them down; in form of the lists.
Yes, I’m a huge list making person! List-making is a big passion of mine, that is why life revolves around to-do-lists, alright? I love to list what to do, I love to list what to buy, i love to list pretty much of absolutely, literally everything! I feel like i can get all of my thoughts out by writing things down and it helps me make sure that I'm working towards them motivatedly and feeling like I am accomplishing something when I start to check the-list-things off. Whenever I have a physical lists of things that I actually need to do that day such as getting eyebrows done (LOL), pulling of my suncsreen, washing makeup brushes, doing laundry, whatever it is, you won’t be sitting around and just like “Oh what should i do today? I can’t remember”, no, because you know exactly what you need to do today. A lot of times we don’t have time to do anything because we are DISORGANIZED and we don’t know what the hell we’re doing at all because, come on, you can’t remember EVERY LITTLE THING. Again, it is really important to know exactly what you are going to do, what you are working towards and why you are doing something, so that you know the work that you are putting in today is totally worth it. I personally find that list-making and actually having a plan can stop me me from thinking about any “distractions” as well as cluttering up my mind. That way I don’t find myself procrastinating or forgetting things that I need to take care of immediately and helps me to stay on track.

I really recommend investing in a calendar. Honestly, it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune, you don’t have to spend much money on a freaking calendar, honestly. You could totally just print a blank calendar page off the internet which you can print and can even decorate with washi tapes, stickers, post-it-notes, whatever you want to make it look a little bit more exciting. I find that having a calendar will streamline everything and whatever I’m doing, this guy helps me stay on track. At any times I can also look into my digital calendar on my phone to see where I need to be or where I need to go. You can even use your either real or phone calendar to make monthly plans, yearly goals, or to check resolutions that we all have completely forget.

I find that the more often I use timers the more productive I am, and the less overwhelmed I feel by my tasks. For example, if I want to get my laundry folded and give myself all day, it will take all day. All day (long)! But if I set a timer for 30 minutes and I start folding my laundry, 30 minutes later I find that at least half of my laundry is all folded, and then I can decide the rest.

Utilize the notes on your phone if you don’t want to bring gigantic notebook/planner with you everywhere you go when you’re out and about. Make sure you’re also using your phone to set up alarms to get you out of bed, because we all do carry our phones around pretty much everywhere with us.

So that is how I plan out my days and how i try to organize, make sure getting things done and achieving things. Being a good organizer actually just helps create balance in our lives.

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Kan ada Allah Dek...

Kasih orang tua sepanjang masa, bukan sepanjang jalan. Begitulah kata mutiara Ibuk yang bikin aku terharu.
Terus terang, aku sedang takut. Aku membayangkan kondisi (bilang saja, kondisi terburuk) apabila suatu saat aku harus hidup sendiri, apabila akupun sudah berumah tangga, dan jika Allah mengambil kembali nyawa Ibuk suatu saat nanti... Aku pasti akan merasa sangat sepi...... Tiada lagi penolong dan pembela aku.. Tidak akan ada orang yang selama ini membicarakan keluhan yang kami berdua pendam karena sifat -seorang pendatang baru- yang banyak menimbulkan ketidak-ridhaan kami. Banyak perubahan sikap dari saudara kami yang berubah karena seorang yang baru memasuki keluarga ini... Setelah Bapak tiada, hanya ada aku bertiga, dan kini hanya aku dan Ibu yang bertahan dalam satu atap.
Aku berfikir, bagaimana nanti jadinya aku apabila Ibu tidak ada lagi disisiku? Padahal selama ini hanya beliaulah tempatku mencurahkan banyak kekecewaan yang muncul dari anggota keluarga. Apa jadinya jika tak ada lagi orang yang melindungiku, seperti Ibuk, dan aku takut bahwa aku akan merasa kewalahan dan sendiri? Namun beliau berkata, "Nak, kenapa Adek takut? Ada Allah, Dek. Adek tenang saja. Toh apapun yang terjadi, masih ada Bude Indri, Pade, Om, dan saudara-saudara Ibuk yang sayang Adek." Yah, aku mengeluh lagi, "Apa aku dosa ya Buk? Kenapa sih kok aku bisa nggak ridha gini? Dulu waktu belum ada itu, mas masih perhatian, tapi sekarang nggak" Ibukpun menjawab, "Apapun kondisinya usahakan untuk ridha Dek. Bukan nggak perhatian, cuma perhatiannya berkurang." Dan Ibuk menjawab dengan kata mutiaranya, "Orang tua itu tidak pernah mengharap dibalas anaknya. Beginilah seharusnya orang tua. Sekarang lihatlah Mbah saudara kita, prinsip beliau adalah semua anak-anaknya harus membalas memberi beliau nafkah. Ternyata Allah mengabulkan doanya. Iya, benar, anak-anaknya membalas dengan mengurunkan uang-uangnya untuk Ibu mereka, namun untuk apa? Ternyata karena beliau sakit. Itulah jawaban dari Allah, dia mengharap balasan dari anak-anaknya, tapi hidupnya tidak nikmat, karena itu semua dilakukan anaknya demi menyembuhkan PENYAKITnya. Mengapa selama 5 tahun atau lebih, beliau tidak sembuh? Mungkin itulah teguran dari Allah, bahwa orang tua TIDAK BOLEH MENGHARAP BALASAN dari anaknya. Jadi kalaupun Ibuk masih mampu, Ibuk akan berusaha sendiri tidak meminta anaknya. Coba kalau Ibuk seperti Mbah saudara kita itu, pasti bisa saja saat mas tanya Ibuk punya uang atau tidak, Ibuk akan menjawab Ibuk tidak punya uang!"
Ya Allah, sungguh mulianya hati orang tua. Mereka tidak mengharap balasan dari sang anak. Mereka hanya mengharap ridha dari Allah, dan apa yang digariskan oleh Allah adalah fitrah, dalam hal ini adalah orang tua. Ya Allah, lapangkanlah rizki-Mu kepada Ibuk. Jadikanlah bagi beliau surga, balasan dan kenikmatan yang tiada tara atas keikhlasannya membesarkan anak-anaknya, tanpa sebuah imbalan. Berikan beliau umur yang panjang, dan jadikan usia-usia beliau menjadi keberkahan-Mu, dan setiap amalan yang beliau pertaruhkan untuk anaknya adalah seluas-luas kekayaan surga-Mu, Ya Allah...... Aamiin Aamiin Ya Robbal Alamin....

June 19th, 2014

Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Revision of LTT FINAL ASSIGNMENT of Swastika




Swastika Mahatmarani
LTT 405-406

english department
faculty of languages and arts
semarang state university
1.      TOPIC

Comics serve sequence of stories in the forms of pictures with interesting package. Comics are combined with texts which tell the story behind the appropriate images or photographs. Young learners and intermediate up to high school learners are those suitable age for learning language through an interesting package of material that are including the visual aids. Comics include visual media, so that the making of comic is to be seriously well-illustrated. Global era and the progressive development of communication and technology encourages us to find innovative way of presenting good material of language in form of comics outside its original forms (paper-based form), so that people start to think of making comics into internet-based comics through e-comic.
This research will investigate students’ learning in English by reading e-comic and their appreciation in doing it. The goal of introducing e-comic is to invite students to be mentally fond of learning activity through reading. The impacts students have are their interest in reading English in various way to gain reading habit.
When teachers do the peer teaching, they will have made the lesson plan that tells teacher’s scenario in teaching and learning activities in classroom. Lesson plan is containing material that is divided into two main contents; content material and language content material. For some reasons, the language content material (in this case we are going to use English) is used as the media of presenting the main material, so that there will be bilingual based learning in understanding the school subjects. For some reasons, teachers’ explanation is not the only way to get students comprehension. There will be more refreshing way instead of presenting material through “paragraph text-books”, then we will find another way of presenting school’s material while also gain students learning input of English.
The research needs to be done because in English language learning, especially reading, the process needs to be continuously developed. E-comic represents texts as much as its images, so that this will enable students to understand the content of the massages in the text based on each suitable pictures. Second language learning is provided to build students to be able to communicate in global era, if not, at least they can comprehend every English input around their own world. Some lesson books does not provide good role of the way to present material in unique form, so e-comic will be an effective way to gain students understanding in both school subject content material and language-based material.

The use of e-comic for reading English language is an interesting one to analyze about. E-comic is considered to invite students all over the world be ready to emphasize more reading activity. This is observable that many of students in any stage of education are looking for more interesting way to comprehend their material in school than conventionally reading the usual books, listening to the teacher inductively, etc. They find this boring as inductive learning and academic books stay brings impracticality of the study method. As the complexity of curriculum, the development of material, and the different stage of difficulty to different students, e-comic becomes a “friend” in studying while reading the school’s material and learning English language. Most schools require their student academic textbooks, and so the interest of reading may decreasingly happen.
In addition, we as a university level of students are close to ICT world and its usage and its development very well, so that we are going to give our argument about the importance of e-comic as one of the effective way to improve student English learning through reading.

The problems I observed in this area of study is that many students who learn English formally (in schools) are tend to be slower in learning English through academic books than through the e-comic.
The research questions are formulated as follows:
How can e-comic give more impact in gaining students interest in reading in order to learn English as well as learning school subject material?

In order to support the thesis I have given, I would like to bring out the theory that support the idea and its elaboration.
The role of ICT in e-comic for English language learning for improving the quality of yEnglish language learning and for increasing the number of successful English language learners, emphasizes that we are in the middle of multimedia and information and communication technologies era. As has been said:
According to Carla Arena (Tuesday, September 27, 2011), providing students to learn English with comic is visually clean and clear that can give a lot of new phrasal verbs in short bits. She said that learning English through comic is a fantastic way for providing students with appealing presentation, so that students can comprehend the language input in the fun way. Comics also use the daily life language so that they are easily acceptable to young students.
Beside the language aspect, the other aspects like the way of life and culture may also internalized to e-comics. E-comics have a high possibility in introducing the cross cultural knowledge all over the world to the students who learning it. According to Evelyn Izquierdo, an English teacher of at Universidad Central de Venezuela and an ICT teacher trainer, learning English through comics can build fun atmosphere for students. She said:
“ComicsEnglish provides and explains English comic strips for EFL/ESL learners and teachers. Keep having fun reading comics while learning English.”
ICT can expand to language programs and improve the quality of teaching and learning in general. World Wide Web provides up-to-date materials of the target language, offering learners the material in different forms by approaching students’ world in illustrative representation. One idea of the world-wide-web is providing e-comics for learning English by sequential pictures of a certain themes and stories. One example of websites that is addressing e-comic for students or teenagers is www.gurl.com. This website provides many articles containing of themes that teenagers are facing. The website is not only providing articles but also videos and the one that the writer is talking about; the e-comics.
As teachers, we should realize that technology in language plays the very important role through all over the world in supporting education system.
Let’s take a look at the one of the impact of e-comic in gaining students’ interest in reading. In monologue reading, a person starts understanding the text word by word. The method that readers use can be skimming or scanning. Accuracy is one important factor needed to be able to reading well. This skill is a rather complicated one; it needs the process of thinking about structures of meanings and the ability to understand construction of sentences in the appropriate forms of grammar. In different reason, understanding the context of material through reading needs not to be monotonous, for instance the text-based paragraph. The readers need to imagine in the mind about what is being talked about from the passage. Sometimes common readers demand for the beauty of the texts they are reading about. In order to give certain information, the message inside the text should be clear and easily understood, so that nowadays writers develop the monologue texts with visual arts. That is where comics come from, illustrated texts which bring pictures based on their ideas. The production of comic books were enthusiastically accepted and gain huge profits. One problem may occur, comic books require money and is limited. To make it easier, safe and easy to load hundreds of comics, we find e-comic, internet based comic that can be settled by computer, laptops, i-pads, and other gadgets that support the existence of the e-comics.

6.      ANALYSIS

The use of e-comic as the media of improving teaching and learning English language has some advantages that may become the reasons why e-comic should be continuously developed and remain in gaining students habit of reading.
The writer analyzes the advantages of e-comic as below:
·         Make students easier to understand the content material and language material because e-comic provides illustration that makes it clear to follow.
·         Present suitable image for students working at different levels.
·         E-comic allows students to enjoy the fancy illustrations without permit them to over-think about imagination of content material.
·         E-comic is represented in the form of story that anyone can enjoy.
·         E-comic represents students’ daily life. The theory of school’s material is applied in e-comics in the form of narrative story, so that it makes them easier to understand the ‘real lesson’
·         E-comic brings messages implied in the texts beside the images.
·         E-comic brings preventive warning without insisting readers comfort zone.
·         E-comic brings interesting, fancy and colourful illustrations that gains their interest and curiosity.
The followings are samples of e-comic:

Each e-comic is represented in this way:


E-comic gives the flexibility in reading of language learning. We analyzed e-comic as a positive impact of gaining students reading habit in language learning of English. We realize that this article may not be perfect and still need corrections from the reader in order to improve its quality in giving readers information.


·         Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages; State-of-the-art, needs and perspectives-UNESCO-ebook-Moscow:2004
·         www. gurl.com